Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts

Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts
Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month @ Hines City Hall, 7 pm.

By Laws

Desert Riders By Laws - Desert Riders

      Desert Riders By Laws

      By Laws
       By Laws 4/2009

           Desert Riders
            Motorcycle Enthusiasts
            Hines, Oregon
            To provide a social atmosphere for our membership who share a common
            love of motorcycling. To use our organization to promote and support
            veterans and their families through various programs and initiatives, as well as our local                                         community charitable functions and
            organizations, etc.
            I. Membership:
                    A.  Desert Riders is a Veteran centric organization composed
            of both Veterans of the United States Armed Forces as well as
            Non-Veterans who have a common ideological belief in motorcycling
            and supporting patriotic endeavors such as providing support of
            other veterans, veterans programs, local charitable and educational
            programs and services within our county. While a common interest in
            motorcycling is preferred for membership, it by no means restricts
            membership to those persons who own motorcycles. Nor does Desert
            Riders exempt any brand of motorcycle that a person desiring
            membership may ride, provided it is road worthy, safe and legal to
            operate on the open road.
                    B.  Family members and invited guests of Desert Riders are
            welcome at all meetings and functions. The member is directly
            responsible for the actions of any family or invited guest. If the
            family member or invited guest’s actions become distracting during
            meetings, annoying to other members or violate these By-laws, they
            may be asked to leave and may not be asked to return.
                    C.  Applications can be declined, if the applicant has shown
            by word or deed, prior to applying for membership, that they are
            incompatible with Desert Riders purpose, aims and present members.
                    D.  New members my only acquire the Desert Riders Patch by
            active membership standing within Desert Riders. A member who
            becomes not in good standing will be requested to return the Desert
            Riders patch for a 50% refund of the original cost of the patch.
                    E.  An applicant for membership will be voted upon by the present
            body of members at the next monthly meeting following receipt of the
            applicant’s application for membership.
                    F.  Members will not be restricted by Desert Riders from belong to
            other organizations provided they adhere to our stated purpose and
            II. Officers of Desert Riders
                   A. The administrative affairs of Desert Riders shall be under the
            supervision of an Executive Committee which shall consist of the
            elected officers of Desert Riders. The President or Executive
            Committee may provide for such other standing committees as the
            business of Desert Riders may require. The Members of the Executive
            Committee shall be:
                         1. President
                         2. Vice-President
                         3. Secretary
                         4. Treasurer
                         5. Sergeant-At-Arms
                         6. Road Captain

             III. Elections
                   A. Every member of the organization in good standing shall be
            eligible to vote and hold office in Desert Riders.
                   B. All officers shall be nominated from the floor at the April
            meeting each year. Elections will be held the following month at the
            May meeting.
                   C. Election of organization officers will be held annually at the
            May meeting of the organization by a majority of the Desert Rider
            membership present and voting. The term of officers shall be for one
            (1) year, and shall continue until their successors are duly
            installed or as otherwise provided. An officer may seek re-election
            as they see fit. There are no term limits.
                  D. Any officer may be removed for inefficiency by a two-thirds vote
            of Desert Riders members present and voting at a regular meeting of
            Desert Riders.
                  E. In the event of a vacancy in an Office, the President shall have
            the ability to appoint a successor, who shall serve in that capacity
            until the next scheduled annual election.
            IV. Duties of Local Chapter Officers
                  A. President: Will serve as Chief Administrative Officer of Desert
            Riders and will preside over all meetings. He shall have general
            supervision over the affairs of Desert Riders. He shall perform such
            other duties as directed by the general membership.
                  B. Vice- President: Will assume the duties of the President in his
            absence. Will assist the President in the performance of his duties
            when called on to do so by the President.
                  C. Secretary: To keep a full and correct record of all proceeding at
            the meetings. Keep membership records as may be required by the
            general membership. The Secretary should also give detailed minutes
            at each regular meeting.
                  D. Treasurer: To have charge of all finances of Desert Riders. To
            have charge of disbursing funds as directed by the general
            membership. To give detailed financial reports at each regular
            meeting. (Copies will be furnished to the sponsoring Post if
            requested). The Executive Committee will have fiscal oversight of
            the Treasurer at all times as there will be at least three members
            of the Executive Committee as signatures to the Desert Riders
            Checking account with full access to all financial matters as they
            pertain to the organizations.
                  E. Sgt-At-Arms: Will maintain the order at all events and meeting
            ensuring the professional conduct of business at meetings and in
                  F.  Road Captain: Will be the logistics person in charge of
            organized runs of Desert Riders. He will determine dates, times,
            routes and meeting places for those taking part in a run activity.
            He may, at his discretion, appoint assistant road captains or take
            any other measures he may feel necessary to help ensure the safety
            of the group during a function. Will also help to maintain order
            during meetings.
            V. Committees
                  A. The President may appoint such standing or special committees as
            he shall deem advisable for the benefit of Desert Riders as a whole.
                  B. By a majority vote of Desert Riders Officers present and voting,
            Desert Riders Officers may appoint such standing or special
            committees as he shall deem advisable for the benefit of the
            organization as a whole.
                  C. By a majority vote of Desert Riders members present and voting,
            Desert Riders members may appoint such standing or special
            committees as he shall deem advisable for the benefit of the
            organization as a whole.

             VI. Standing Committees
                  A.   Road Captain: Appointed by the President, the Road Captain will
            plan Desert Riders functions. He may, at his discretion, appoint
            assistant road captains or take any other measures he may feel
            necessary to help ensure the safety of the group during a function.

             VII. Meetings
                  A. Regular meetings will be held at a date, time and place as voted
            on by a majority of the organization’s members.
                         a. (Currently (April 2009), second Thursday of each month at 1900 at
            Hines City Hall, Hines, Oregon).
                  B. Special meetings of the Chapter will be held at a date, time and
            place as determined by the President or by any two officers,
            provided, however, that a minimum of ten (10) days’ notice of such
            special meetings must be provided to all members.
                  C. Ten (10) members present at any regular meeting will constitute a

             VII. Finances
                  A. Finances of Desert Riders will be from the membership
            dues or such other sources as approved by the                       
                  B. The annual $20.00 Desert Riders membership dues are due and payable at or prior to the May meeting of each year. Beginning on the day of the May meeting there will be a 30 day grace period in which the dues will remain at $20.00. After 30 days the dues will increase to $25.00. If dues are not paid within 60 days after the May meeting the member will be considered “Not In Good Standing” and will be asked to turn in their Desert Riders Patch. A vote of the membership will be required to reinstate said member and his or her dues will be $25.00 for that year. These penalties may be waived, subject to a quorum approval, if non-payment is due to extenuating circumstances.
                 C. Dues for new members are due and payable in full upon acceptance
            of an application for membership in Desert Riders. Pro-Rate for new
            members who join mid year are as follows: ----New members with more
            than 6 months until the next May renewal will pay the full $20 rate.
                            -New members with less than 6 months until the next
            May renewal will pay a 50% discounted                               
                                    rate of $10 and be required to renew on the
            normal schedule in May at the full rate.
                 D. In the event that Desert Riders disbands, all remaining funds
            available will donated to a local charity of the memberships

            VIII. Expulsion
                 A. A member who is subject to expulsion or suspension shall be
            entitled to be present at the meeting at which his/her expulsion or
            suspension is to be considered, and shall be entitled to verbally
            address the membership and/or to present written material, at the
            option of the member.
                 B. Expulsion or suspension may only be done for good cause. “Good
            cause” is hereby defined as actions or activities by a member in
            which discredit or dishonor is brought to the Desert Riders
                 C. Expulsion or suspension of membership will be voted upon by the
            Desert Riders membership.
                 D. Upon a member being expelled or suspended, he/she will be
            required to return the Desert Riders     patch with no refund as the
            authorization to wear the patch is a privilege and not a right.

            IX. Patches: Desert Riders members are encouraged to wear the
            Desert Riders patch on the back of their jackets and vests.
            Placement of the Desert Riders blue and gold patch will be on the
            back of the garment and positioned centered on the lower 1/3 of the
            rear panel. If the member decides to wear another larger main patch
            of their choosing, the Desert Riders patch will be below and
            centered in the back of a larger more dominant patch. Desert Riders
            patches will be paid off by the member upon acceptance of membership
            at the current cost. Desert Riders patches remain the property of
            Desert Riders, even after a member purchased it and should be
            considered a privilege to wear with pride on our organization and
            what we as a group stand for.
            Therefore, let it be known that these are the By-laws of Desert
            Riders and shall remain so unless properly amended by the members of
            this organization.