Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts

Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts
Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month @ Hines City Hall, 7 pm.

Meeting Minutes

Desert Riders Minutes
Month and Date: July 12, 2012
Call to Order: by VP Bigknife at 7:10pm.
Moment of Silence for Fallen Comrades/Soldiers
Visitors: JJ Anderson.
Members in attendance: Butch, Martha, Chris, Terry, Mark, J King, Norm, Paul, Wendy, Randy B. Introduce Idaho members, especially new member Mark.
Officer Reports:
Secretary-Treasurer’s report.
Read Minutes of last meeting (Randy, motion to approve; Terry, 2nd; unanimous vote to approve).
Account status: $1281.51 in account; $799.77 in Burns Cemetery Flagpole fund; and $35.62 in 4th of July Parade fund.
Road Captain report (VP Bigknife). Report on:
Reno HOG Visit: June 15th. Hutch, Chris, Norm, Paul, Steve, Craig, and Lori there. Free beers. Good group to visit with. Hutch took part in slow race.
OYA. 1pm. Rode in, did a lap like last year. Talked to two units separately. 10-11 bikes showed.
Harley Demo Fleet at Wildhorse (23rd). Chris, Ray, Steve, and Paul. Paul rode all the bikes.
Brinkley’s rode the entire coast of Oregon on two occasions. Cool weather.
Hoop, Randy, Ray, and Craig are riding Glacier, Beartooth Hwy, and other points east.
Bull’s did a 1300 mile loop ride through Salmon, Lolo, Lewiston, Rattlesnake grade, Joseph, Cambridge, and home.
Summer Eruption, July 20th-22nd. Who’s going? King and Hutch leaving on Friday. KSU at what time: 3-4pm. There probably will be a single-day group of riders going. Contact Bigknife.
Run 21. Anyone going? Seems like none.
Testicle Festival. Aug 1st-5th. Some would continue to Sturgis. Anyone interested, contact John Bigknife.
Sturgis. August 6th-12th.
August 25th. Tough Butt Classic in Bend, 300+ run put on by VFW and OVMA. High paying high and low hands on poker run, live band. Information coming from Bigknife.
Vice-President’s report.
Parade report. Made $345.94 between donations, deposited to flag fund account. Total expenditure: $360.64. Burns Ford bought all the hotdogs. 800-850 hot dogs served. Donations from OTEC $300, Herb Vloedman will be donating $100. Cheerleaders made $156.00      68 participants in parade; 45 entry forms. Need two donation cartridges if we split the line in the future. Need to improve media coverage through the radio and newspaper and improve donations.
Thank you card was signed for the fly-over.
Dues. Last night for dues.
Old Business:
Sept. 23rd, a Sunday, Elks dinner, DRs to dispense meals. Serving meals. A free meal for the community. Would take 8-10. Decision: defer to later in the winter due to unavailability of members.
New Business
August 2nd, Senior Center ground breaking. Ceremony starts at 11am, need to RSVP. Contact Bigknife if interested.
All Veterans BBQ, Aug 12th, noon to 4pm. Triangle Park. Music, may not work out. DRs to be involved  Randy, 1st; Martha, 2nd to involve Desert Riders. Vote: all in favor except for Chris who proxied for Kelly.
Vote: JJ Anderson for membership. Randy, first; Second, Norm. Unanimous vote to approve.
Charlie Kreussel. Funeral ride to escort ashes of highly decorated deceased Marine.  Accompany ashes to Rest Area. Tentative date and time is July 24 at noon. Meet at Chevron TBD. We will ride to Hines for a brief ceremony then escort vehicle carrying ashes to the Sage Hen Rest Area. Bull will coordinate this.
DRs chaperone of Regina Noble dance has been canceled due to lack of support.
DRs signed card for the Colonel who flew the F-15 over the parade on July 4th.
Drs are putting a thank you into the newspaper for all those who supported or gave $$ to support the 4th of July parade. 1st, Chris, 2nd, Jim, for motion to submit thank you in newspaper – unanimous vote.
We’ve ordered large and small patches.
Meeting adjourned by vote. Motion, Martha; 2nd, Steve. Vote: Approved.

MAY 2012

Desert Riders Minutes
Month and Date: May 10, 2012

Call to Order: by Prez Hooper at 7:00pm.
Moment of Silence for Fallen Comrades/Soldiers

Members in attendance: Noel, Sid S., Norm, Jack G., Hutch, Randy C., Kelly, Paul Hyland (new member), Ray L., Wendy, Diane, Randy B., Craig, Stuart, Bigknife, Hoop, Chris, Steve.

Introduction of Visitors: Dan Hoke, City of Burns Cemetery Committee, to discuss a “grave” topic.

Officer Reports:
Secretary-Treasurer’s report.
Read Minutes of last meeting (Wendy, motion to approve; Craig, 2nd; unanimous vote to approve).
Account status: $388.06 in account (plus $180 deposited 5/10 for dues); $453.83 in Burns Cemetery Flag: and $100 in 4th of July Parade
Dan Chinnery patches (free); Desert Riders patches ($5.00); Pins (Doug Schamp, Dennis Harris) free.
No taxes owed to IRS.

Road Captain report (presented by VP Bigknife for traveling RC Braden).
Charlie Davis’ birthday at The Aspens; given a souvenir coin and $100 (donated by S. Stockinger) for his 100th birthday. Attended by DR members.
Seneca Oyster feed, May 19Park away from ballfield. Meet Chevron, 9:30am; KSU, 10am.
Runnemucca run. Meet May 24 at 6pm at Glory Days for dinner with “Washington Chapter”; Friday, May 25, Dwight et al. KSU at his house at 9:00am. Bull/Thomas/Lafollette, etc. group leaving May 25 from Chevron. Meet 12:00pm; KSU at 12:30pm.
Lions/Burns fly-in, June 2Meet 7:45am at Norm’s to assemble flags; KSU for airport at 8:30am.
Hells Canyon run. Meet Chevron at 8:30am; KSU at 9:00am. Talk to Randy Curt for details.
Obsidian days, June 8, DR booth (Hutch and Noel running it). DR pamphlets given to Hutch. Hoop to supply awning. $20 DR check written to Hines Fire Department to pay for space.
OYA, June 16. Details to be given.
Cannonball run, Sept. 19 and 20th; details to come.

Vice-President’s report.
Parade arrangements in progress: reserved park, sample flyers. Group decision: no vendors in park. Keep theme patriotic. Kids’ games. Count on previous DR helpers.
Discussion about charitable groups for DR to donate to: Manski suggested holding onto money and using it for DR projects (i.e., cemetery project).

President’s report.
Dues: Reminder about paying dues
T-shirts. If not paid for tonight, out of luck.
ACW Community Flag: needing funds. DR will send out notice of request.

Old Business:
Cemetery: Curt presented Dan Hoke, Burns City Council, Cemetery Committee. Committee wants to expand area around DR flag. Produced mock “idea” picture. Asked that DR “adopt” the area around the flag pole and invest $$$ in stone/landscape. Goal of committee is to make the cemetery design unified.
Reno HOG feed, June 15th. Group decision: supply stuff for games; show up to support the HOG group; arrange dinner at Glory Days and eat with them (not do dinner meal); reserve park for games; participate in HOG games if able; buy a Harley if you don’t have one to fit in with visiting HOG group!
Dunk Tank: Hoop to talk to Elks about using it July 4th.
Campout to Summerlake – Cancelled.
Safety Vests: Manski to get info on prices, contact Bull/Bigknife, purchase 8 to 10 (already voted on).
Transfer old cemetery flag pole to Triangle Park (Hoop). Will take 5 hands, refurbish, and reinstall. One night next week.

New Business
Paul Hyland’s membership. Motion, Craig; 2nd, Kelly. Unanimous vote in approval.
Sept. 23rd, Elks dinner, volunteer to dispense meals. Deferred to next month’s business.
Falls Campout presented, June 23 and 24. Jonathan will check with the Forest Service for cost and locations. Report back to Hoop.
Group Riding Rules. Motion to approve riding rules with modifications (2 second delay before and after trikes; 2 seconds delay behind rider in front), Jonathan; 2nd, Craig. Discussion: Diane offered info from GWTA and Team Oregon. Bigknife offered info from Stockinger on national motorcycle safety distances. Vote: unanimous approval of Group Riding Rules with modifications to original draft.
Manski donated service manuals for Harleys of various years. In the DR “library” (otherwise known as briefcase).

Meeting adjourned by vote. Motion, Craig; 2nd, Hutch. Vote carried.

June 2011

May 2011 -

April 2011

March 2011
Feb 2011
Jan 2011