Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts

Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts
Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month @ Hines City Hall, 7 pm.


Membership in Desert Riders is open to all who have a love of bikes, cars or trucks and maintain respect for those who have and continue to sacrifice for the very freedoms that we enjoy within the Greatest Country on Earth. Bike ownership is not required. Members must keep the faith with all Veterans young and old, past and present as well as our Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters who are ever vigilant on our homefront and in our backyard.

If your ready to make the commitment to the brothers and sisters of Desert Riders, nose into the wind and live up to the very ideals that made our country free, then simple save and print this form below and turn it into any member in Desert Riders. Then just attend the very next meeting (held the second Thursday of each month at Hines City Hall), meet the group and standby for acceptance. Once accepted, just pay your first dues of $20 and purchase your patches. Annual membership dues are $20 and renew every May. Attendance at the Desert Riders monthly meetings is highly encouraged on a regular basis in order to allow for the conduct of Desert Riders business of motivating rides and adventures while patriotically supporting our local community.

Hurry Up, What are you waiting for! A great group of hard riding, good time having red blooded Americans are waiting for you to join their ranks!!