Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts

Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts
Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month @ Hines City Hall, 7 pm.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


US Flag Half Mast Standing Dates

May 15 - Peace Officers Memorial Day (Unless it is also Armed Forces Day) - Sunrise to sunset.

Last Day of May - Memorial Day. Sunrise to Noon.

Sept 11th - Patriot Day - Sunrise to Sunset.

Dec 7th - Pearl Harbor Remembrace Day - Sunrise to Sunset.

Other Special Flag Flying Days:

  • President's Day, 3rd Monday in February: A celebration situated between Lincoln's and Washington's Birthdays. It is not a half staff day.

  • Flag Day, June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.

  • Veteran's Day (formerly Armistice Day), November 11th: This is a day to honor our nations Veterans. It is not a day of mourning, but a day of celebration and honor. Therefor, it is not a day of half staff. Citizens are encouraged to flag POW/MIA flags and flags of the Military Branches on this day to show support to our Veterans.

    How to fly the flag at Half Mast.

    • Most half staff days suggest that the American flag is at half staff from sunrise until sunset on the days of the order. Memorial day is the exception where the American flag is at half staff from sunrise until noon.

    • When raising the American flag to half staff on a vertical pole, always raise it briskly to the top of the flagpole for a moment before lowering it. When taking it down for the night, raise it to the top of the flag pole again & lower it to the bottom.

    • With a telescoping pole it is acceptable to put the USA flag on the second set of rings instead of the top set. In this case the top set would be left empty.

    • When the United States flag is flown at half-staff, State & other flags should be removed or flown at half-staff too.
      If you can't fly your flag at Half Mast

      • For flags that can't be lowered, such as those on many homes, the American Legion says that attaching a black ribbon or streamer to the top of the flag is an acceptable alternative. The ribbon should be the same width as a stripe on the flag and the same length as the flag. Order yours today
      • For a wall mounted flag, three black mourning bows should be attached to the top edge of the flag, one at each corner and one in the center.

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