Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts

Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts
Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month @ Hines City Hall, 7 pm.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ride Report - 10 July 2011

Nice little ride today. If my count was correct, 14 of us met at the Chevron this morning. 16 if you count Dan and Dianne but they just showed up to cheer us on. Jonathan and Debbie Manski took point and set a leisurely pace out to Juntura where we ate lunch and visited a bit. On the way back we detoured through Drewsey via Pine Creek. Interesting country out there and a fair amount of nice homes/ranches to see. Round trip was only 140 miles but we stretched it out to about 3.75  hours with lunch and all.
Thanks again to all of you that rode with us.

Between Summer Eruption, Run 21 and the POW/MIA Rally, the bulk of us be gone for the next two to three weekends. So there will probably not be a Sunday ride for July 17th. or the 24th. but I may be able to put something together for the 31st. I will keep you all informed.

In regards to Summer Eruption,  Dan Braden and I will get the various group departure dates and times sent out early this week. We will discuss Run 21 and the POW/MIA Rally at the meeting this Thursday, July 14 @ 7:00 P.M.

Ride Safe,
Vice Pres.
John BigKnife

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