Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts

Association for Motorcycle Enthusiasts
Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month @ Hines City Hall, 7 pm.

Monday, June 4, 2012


-- June 8th. thru 10th. is the Hells Canyon Run.
Meet at Chevron on Friday the 8th. at 8:30 a.m.  Kickstands up at 9:00 a.m.
  I need a head count for this event!!!!
  The plan is to ride to Baker City on Friday and spend the night there at John McLean's sisters place. She has plenty of spare beds and camping spaces.
  John McLean said he will provide the meat for a Friday night barbeque. ( hence the need for a head count )
  We are up Saturday morning and off to Randy Curt's place in Halfway, our traditional base for the ride through Hells Canyon and our Saturday night bash.
  We ride home on Sunday via the scenic route.

Also on June 8th. thru 10th. here at home, Obsidian Days is happening. Duane Hutchins is the ramrod for the Desert Riders booth and Bike Show.
  For more information contact Hutch at 541-589-1588 or email him at
-- June 15th. Friday, the Reno HOG Group is coming to town. There will be bike games at Hines City Park beginning at 3:00 p.m. and afterwards we we gather at Glory Days Pizza for dinner and socializing. More info. is coming on this event.
-- June 16th. Saturday is our visit to the Oregon Youth Authority. Meet at Chevron at 12:30 p.m.  Kickstands up at 12:45 p.m.
V.P. BigKnife

Friday, June 1, 2012

Lions Club Fly In

Lions Club Fly In Breakfast. We meet at Norm Favre's house ( 70984 Old Experiment Rd.  Burns ) at 7:45 a.m. to get our flags on and form up. Please be prompt and wear your Desert Riders Colors.
We had a good turn out for this event last year but I would like to see even more of you attend this year.

V.P. BigKnife

DR Ride Rules

Desert Riders
Group Riding Rules

Introduction. Group riding requires special skills. It also requires a rider’s willingness to set aside their personal “riding” style for the benefit of the group.  It takes only one rider acting on their own to destroy the unity and safe passage of the group.

Safety, skillful bike riding, good times together, and a positive image are some of the top priorities of the Desert Riders. Socializing can be done prior to, at rest stops, and at the end of rides. But safe riding, use of competent riding skills, and the Riders creating a positive public opinion take place on the road. Therefore it is imperative when riding as a group, or individually with colors, that each Rider exercise good judgment, ride safely, skillfully, and submit their individual agenda to the objectives of the group.

Key Appointments. There are two, key roles that are played on a group ride -- the Road Captain and the Tail Gunner. Group riders must submit to the Road Captain’s and Tail Gunner’s leadership at all times during a ride.

Road Captain. The Road Captain leads the group-ride. He must be aware of the length of the column and gage the passing of merges, highway entrances and exits, etc. in order to keep the group together with maximum safety. He must make sure that he leaves enough time/space for the formation to get into the appropriate lanes before exits.

Prior to departure, the Road Captain (or Ride Leader) will address issues such as ride speed, road conditions, hand signals, and safety considerations with the group.

All directions come from the Road Captain. The Road Captain makes all decisions regarding lane changes, stopping for breaks and fuel, closing of gaps, turning off at exits, concerns of what lies ahead, accepting/rejecting radioed messages from other individuals, and so on. No individual will assert himself independently without the approval or direction of the Road Captain.

Tail Gunner. The Tail Gunner serves as the eyes of the Road Captain but at the back of the column. The Tail Gunner watches the formation and potentially hazardous vehicles approaching from the rear. He informs the Road Captain by signals or radio of potential problems or dangerous conditions to the group.

The Tail Gunner will watch for merging lanes, and will move into a merging lane (or stay in a merging lane just vacated by the group) in order to “close the door” on other vehicles that may otherwise find themselves trying to merge into the formation. At the Road Captain’s request, the Tail Gunner will change lanes before the formation, to secure the lane so the formation can move into it.

General Rules. Following are rules that all Desert Riders must commit to memory in order to ride successfully with the group.

1. All riders taking part in a Desert Riders group ride must conform to the helmet and equipment laws in effect in any State or Province they are riding in.

2. Group riders will use one lane in a staggered formation and adjust as conditions change (i.e., passing cars). The designated ride leader (usually the Road Captain) rides on the left side of the lane, the second rider stays a little behind the leader and to the right side of the lane, one (1) second behind the leader. The third rider will take a position on the left side of the lane, two (2) seconds behind the leader. The fourth rider would be to the right of the lane two (2) seconds behind the second rider. And so on in succession in a staggered fashion.

Using the Three Second Rule for Distance. To maintain a safe distance (two seconds) behind the rider directly ahead of you, pick a stationary object (fence post, hydro pole, painted road markings, etc). As the motorcycle directly in front passes the mark count, “one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two”. At “one-thousand-two” you should be passing the object you selected. Adjust your speed accordingly.

Trikes will not stagger but ride the center of the lane. Riders following the trike will follow the bike in front of the trike to maintain the staggered formation.

3. During a group ride, there are various hand signals given by the Road Captain to pass instructions to the rest of the riders in the column (like pointing to debris on the road, or slowing the column down). Each successive rider repeats the hand signal for the riders behind. This will ensure all riders in the group can see and understand the signals given by the Road Captain.

4. If curves are gentle or long and sweeping, riders will be expected to stay in their portion of the lane in the staggered formation. Remaining in a staggered formation around curves, however, will be subject to a rider’s skill and comfort level.

5. Riders should not ride in the passing lane of a four-lane highway unless using it for passing purposes.

6. Riders must always be conscious of other vehicles wishing to pass or pull into their group and be prepared to let them do so.

7. Riders passing other vehicles on a two lane highway must pass one at a time and allow the vehicle a reasonable space before pulling in front of them. The formation will adjust as riders move to the left side of the lane to pass.

8. Riders must not pass each other (break formation) unless there is an emergency or are told to do so by the Ride Leader or Tail Gunner.

9. While the Road Captain and Tail Gunner set the pace, it is the responsibility of every rider to use their mirrors to check the distance of the riders behind them. If the distance increases, the riders ahead should slow their pace.

10. Inexperienced riders or riders who have no previous history with the Desert Riders should ride directly behind the Road Captain or Lead Rider or in a position designated by the Road Captain. Inexperienced riders will not ride in back to prevent the group from spreading out.

11. Riders not intending to ride the full route must inform the Road Captain before the start of the ride.

12. If it becomes necessary for the group to pull off the road, riders and motorcycles must pull as far off the road as possible.

13. If it becomes necessary for a rider to pull over, the Tail Gunner also will pull over to assist. The remainder of the group will continue on. If the Tail Gunner has a radio, he will inform the Road Captain of the current status. If the Road Captain decides the group also should pull over, they will do so at the first safe area. Otherwise the rider (previously stopped) will re-enter at the rear of the group in front of the Tail Gunner. The group will adjust its staggered formation.

14. For long distance riding or in the event of a large number of riders, the Road Captain may decide to split the group into two, or more, sections.

15. It is every rider’s responsibility to be aware of potential hazards and notify other riders behind them by radio, hand signals, or tapping their brake lights.

16. At stop signs, lights, etc, the staggered formation shall double up and proceed in pairs, then resume staggered formation thus limiting time lag and possible traffic hazards.

17. When riding on four lane highways, if the Road Captain decides to pass a slow vehicle he will inform the Tail Gunner by radio (if so equipped) or hand-signals of his intentions. The Tail Gunner will wait for an appropriate break in the traffic and then pull out to act as a block. The group will then pull out and pass as quickly as safety permits.

18. The Road Captain has a great responsibility for the group’s safety as well as its effect on vehicular traffic (i.e. not letting the group get boxed in, or passing a tractor trailer too slowly). It is everyone’s responsibility, however, to exercise good judgment and common sense for the safety of all riders.

19. For rides of great length or complexity, the Road Captain shall provide maps for riders in case the group gets separated.

20. When parking in a public lot, all bikes will be parked in such as manner as to cause as little inconvenience to the public, preferably angled and maintaining the riding positions of the group.

21. If in the opinion of the Road Captain a hazard exists to the parked bikes, or the public, he shall designate as many persons as required to stand watch.

22. Riding in an unsafe manner with a group will not be tolerated. The safety of the group is everyone’s responsibility and a top priority. It is the obligation of all riders to report to the Ride Captain violations of any group riding rules by another member because …a life may depend on it. If in the opinion of the Road Captain or a Desert Riders Officer a rider poses a hazard to Desert Riders or persons on the highway, or displays an undesirable attitude (unwillingness to change), he may ask that rider to leave the group.

In summary, recognition and enforcement of these Group Riding Rules will ensure that all riders have a safe and enjoyable ride.

Adopted: 5/10/2012 by vote of members.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Desert Riders Day Ride

Saturday August 6th.
We are meeting for breakfast at RJ's Resturant @ 8:00 A.M.
Kickstands up at 9:00 A.M.
We are departing from the RJ's Resturant parking lot.

Some, not all, of us are talking about camping at the fish farm on Saturday night. I will post more information about the camping thing as it develops.

August 6th. ( Saturday ) Grant County Kruzers Show & Shine at the city park in Prairie City, OR.
Attractions: Charming park in a small, quiet town, with a backdrop of
spectacular Strawberry Wilderness. Held in conjunction with the Prairie
City Huckleberry Festival. Breakfast at City Hall, Show ‘n Shine ,
barbecue lunch. Music from the Past, a poker walk through downtown
Prairie City, art show/antique show in Depot Park
and door prizes throughout the day.
Tentative Schedule of Events:7:30-10:30 Breakfast by the FFA (Future Farmers)
9:00-11:00 Check-in and registration at City Park
10:00-2:00 Poker Walk around city merchants
11:30-2:00 BBQ by the Girls Basketball Team
2:00 turn in poker hands and car show ballots
3:00 prizes and announcements
Door prize drawings throughout the 

Attend the Desert Rider Meetings the second Thursday of every month, 7:00pm @ Hines City HallAlso Desert Riders Club Breakfast every Sunday, 8:00am @ RJ's Resturant in Burns.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ride Report - 10 July 2011

Nice little ride today. If my count was correct, 14 of us met at the Chevron this morning. 16 if you count Dan and Dianne but they just showed up to cheer us on. Jonathan and Debbie Manski took point and set a leisurely pace out to Juntura where we ate lunch and visited a bit. On the way back we detoured through Drewsey via Pine Creek. Interesting country out there and a fair amount of nice homes/ranches to see. Round trip was only 140 miles but we stretched it out to about 3.75  hours with lunch and all.
Thanks again to all of you that rode with us.

Between Summer Eruption, Run 21 and the POW/MIA Rally, the bulk of us be gone for the next two to three weekends. So there will probably not be a Sunday ride for July 17th. or the 24th. but I may be able to put something together for the 31st. I will keep you all informed.

In regards to Summer Eruption,  Dan Braden and I will get the various group departure dates and times sent out early this week. We will discuss Run 21 and the POW/MIA Rally at the meeting this Thursday, July 14 @ 7:00 P.M.

Ride Safe,
Vice Pres.
John BigKnife

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


What - Hell Canyon Run
When - 10-12 June
Where - Meet at Chevron at 0830 Friday. Kickstands up at 9:00 A.M.  
Why - Why Not?
How - We will be camping at the High School on Friday night, riding to and camping in Halfway on Saturday and then taking the scenic route home on Sunday.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

4th of July Parade Flyer


Here is the latest video of the recent flag raising by Desert Riders. Minor repairs were completed to the flag system and the Harney County flag was raised back to it's proper place in the sky.

Great work, "Desert Riders!"

Watch Paula's Video

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Latest Run Info:

#1  Saturday 5/21/11 Seneca Oyster Feed
      Meet at Chevron at 9:30 a.m.
      Kickstands up at 10:00a.m.

#2  Thursday 5/26/11 Glory Days Pizza (pre Run-A-Mucca get together)
       at 6:00 p.m.

#3  Run-A-Mucca.  Two departure dates. 
      Friday 5/27/11
      Meet at Chevron at 8:30 a.m.
      Kickstands up at 9:00 a.m.
      Saturday 5/28/11
      Meet at Chevron at 7:30 a.m.
      Kickstands up at 8:00 a.m.

#4  Saturday 6/4/11  Lions Club Fly In Breakfast
      7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
      Meet at Norms at 7:30 a.m. to mount flags and figure out our formation.
      Arrive at the Airport at 8:30 a.m.

#5  Friday 6/10/11  Hells Canyon Run
      Meet at Chevron at 8:30 a.m.
      Kickstands up at 9:00 a.m.

    Also, we'll ride for the Burns HS graduation on Friday, 3 June. KSU at 2000 (8:00 PM for you Navy guys) at Chevron and ride to the High School. Our mission will be to escort the graduates through Burns  on a victory "parade".  Our congrats to the new graduates for their academic successes and to their parents for not killing them during the early teenage years.         
Additional notes:
Some of us are going on to Vegas after Runamucca. Let me know if you want to make the trip.
    Don't forget the 4th of July parade meeting after breakfast tomarrow. John and Norm have busted a lot of ass (for a couple of old guys) and could use help with this very imprtant project. There are many small details that need addressing, and if you can help with just one of them, it will be a tremendous assist.
    And, finally (as I tire easily), Gary Estep will keep me informed about possible flooding on 205 around the Diamond turn off. If it becomes impassable, we'll do the Burns Junction/McDermitt rount. Kelly will carry extra fuel for our small tank/heavy throttle types to make sure everybody gets to the next fuel stop. In addition, I'm going to set up some rally points to make sure we don't get as spread out as last year on the trip south. We'll pull over 3 or 4 times to regroup and count heads. No need in looking like a gypsy accordian, or an Army convoy, going down the road.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

FASHION SHOW - Sat 30 April

Rachel Kahn is having her school project which is a fashion show this Saturday the 30th at the Powerhouse. We will be meeting at the Chevron kickstands up at 6pm then riding to the Powerhouse. Let’s try and have a big turnout for this. Rachel has busted her ass on this project and also for the Desert Riders it would be great to have as many members as possible show up Saturday.

Agent Orange Registry

Desert Riders,
I came across some info that you may want to pass on.
If you know a surviving spouse/child of a Nam vet who died from heart disease or cancer, and had enrolled in the Agent Orange Registry prior to 31 Aug 10, they may be entitled be entitled to back compensation. Have them take a look at
Also, if any vet served in Korea during '68 and '69 they may be covered under the Agent Orange statutes. And, if you served on other stateside or overseas bases that handled/stored various herbicides, you may be affected. Take a look at that website or contact the Veterans Service Officer.
Semper Fi,


If you're interested in having some pinstriping done on your scoots, Jim Reeve's buddy from Bend will be here on 22 May to do some work on his bike. He does excellent work and the more he has to do, the cheaper it will be.
Give Jim a call at 541 589 1445 and let him know if you want some work done.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bonneville Update - 24 April 2011

Desert Riders Ride
BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials @ Bonneville Salt Flats
The plan is to ride to Wendover on Aug. 27th. Attend the event on the 28th. & maybe the morning of the 29th. and then ride home.
Due to the harsh environment of the salt flats, the general consensus is that we stay in Wendover at the KOA. The phone numbers for reservations there are 775-664-3221 or 800-562-8552. If you plan on attending I strongly suggest that you make lodging reservations ASAP. When I called the KOA they said they have been taking numerous reservations for that time frame.
There is a shuttle service available to take us to and from the KOA and the Salt Flats so we don't have to expose the bikes to the salt conditions.
 Willie, from "Design As You Go Cycle", said they are running the bike in two classes this year.


US Flag Half Mast Standing Dates

May 15 - Peace Officers Memorial Day (Unless it is also Armed Forces Day) - Sunrise to sunset.

Last Day of May - Memorial Day. Sunrise to Noon.

Sept 11th - Patriot Day - Sunrise to Sunset.

Dec 7th - Pearl Harbor Remembrace Day - Sunrise to Sunset.

Other Special Flag Flying Days:

  • President's Day, 3rd Monday in February: A celebration situated between Lincoln's and Washington's Birthdays. It is not a half staff day.

  • Flag Day, June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.

  • Veteran's Day (formerly Armistice Day), November 11th: This is a day to honor our nations Veterans. It is not a day of mourning, but a day of celebration and honor. Therefor, it is not a day of half staff. Citizens are encouraged to flag POW/MIA flags and flags of the Military Branches on this day to show support to our Veterans.

    How to fly the flag at Half Mast.

    • Most half staff days suggest that the American flag is at half staff from sunrise until sunset on the days of the order. Memorial day is the exception where the American flag is at half staff from sunrise until noon.

    • When raising the American flag to half staff on a vertical pole, always raise it briskly to the top of the flagpole for a moment before lowering it. When taking it down for the night, raise it to the top of the flag pole again & lower it to the bottom.

    • With a telescoping pole it is acceptable to put the USA flag on the second set of rings instead of the top set. In this case the top set would be left empty.

    • When the United States flag is flown at half-staff, State & other flags should be removed or flown at half-staff too.
      If you can't fly your flag at Half Mast

      • For flags that can't be lowered, such as those on many homes, the American Legion says that attaching a black ribbon or streamer to the top of the flag is an acceptable alternative. The ribbon should be the same width as a stripe on the flag and the same length as the flag. Order yours today
      • For a wall mounted flag, three black mourning bows should be attached to the top edge of the flag, one at each corner and one in the center.


OK You frozen bikers, the weather is breaking and this website has been updated. Get off your duff, clear the crap away from the bike in the garage and get out and ride!! Here is a list of the lastest updates:
- Minutes posted.  Minutes Page
- Pictures added to Ride Photos page.  Ride Photos Page
- Run Calendar is up to date. Check it out!!  Run Calendar Page
Finally, Check out the Memorial Page and hoist a cold one to "Frank Buckles" & "Shifty". Rest in Peace Shifty, your battle is over and we have the fight. Your as sacrifices are not forgotten.  Memorial to Buckles & Shifty

Keep the stuff coming, watch the gravel and keep the shinny side up!

Semper Fi, DesertRiders.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

More Pictures

Continual improvement. Ride Photos have been upgraded. Check it out!

Semper Fi,

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hey All, Here is the new and improved DesertRiders webpage. Please forward all desired additions as well as all recommendations for this site and I'll put it together. Thanks.